
Sure Logistics

With over 17 years of experience, Sure Logistics offers a full range of international logistics solutions. The company provides its customers with quality service, logistical and business strength anywhere in the world. This power translates into a comprehensive solution for supply chain management, from a deep understanding of the changing environment today - an environment in which companies need to focus more on development, service, marketing, sales and complex logistics management. We are a one-stop-shop for companies that need global moving of goods - from oversized loads for complex engineering projects to sensitive pharma industry items.


We specialize in air import and export services, drop cargo - cargo transportation from any country abroad to any other country abroad, customs brokerage, land transportation in Israel, import and sea exports, courier deliveries, cargo transportation for exhibitions and provision of services at exhibitions, dangerous cargo, agricultural cargo , RMA management - product returns, advanced logistics solutions including warehouses and distribution centers in Israel and abroad, logistics consulting, personal belongings. Sure Logistics provides first-rate logistics solutions harmonized with excellent terms and conditions.


  • Aligns with its clients’ business goals
  • Provides scalable, customized warehousing for multiple industry sectors - e-commerce, pharma, chemicals, etc.
  • Streamlines end-to-end supply chain management
  • Assists the operations of complex engineering projects
  • Native in spoken, read, and written Russian, Sure Logistics specializes in full-scale operations in Russia, the former USSR countries, as well as Southeast Asia.
  • Sure logistics is an IATA cargo agent
  • Sure Logistics is an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

Special services:

Unique Project Solutions

Custom-designed solutions for the petrochemical, oil and gas, power, engineering, and infrastructure industries.

High-value Products

Using individual cargo GPS trackers, Sure Logistics secures the cargo in transit. The trackers alert at any unauthorized attempt to open the cargo and send real-time notifications to the security center and client.


AEO - Authorized Economic Operator

An AEO is a business entity that has been reviewed and approved along with its supply chain actors by Israel Customs. 

The program aims to enhance international supply chain security and facilitate legitimate trade, based on the World Customs Organization (WCO) concept and principles of mutual transparency, correctness, fairness, and responsibility.

Under Israel's trade agreements, AEO benefits include facilitation and simplifying local and international trade processes.

Contributing to the Community

Sure Logistics, as providers of international shipping services to a wide variety of customers throughout the State of Israel.


We work with donations to charities

  • Help and assistance for children and young people in need - in enrichment sports and education classes
  • Annual donations to charities and social organizations for the common good

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